Goblin Name Generator

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By Jeet Sarkar

Picture this: you’re crafting a fantastical story, filled with magic, adventure, and a sprinkle of chaos. As you weave your tale, you stumble upon a tricky little character – the goblin.

These pint-sized troublemakers are the perfect addition to any fantasy world, but there’s just one problem. What on earth do you name them?

Fear not, dear writer, for the goblin name generator is here to save the day! These clever little tools are designed to take the head-scratching out of naming your goblins, leaving you free to focus on what really matters – crafting an unforgettable story.

Goblin Name Generator

Your Goblin names will appear here.


Goblin Name Ideas

  • Gribble Snickerspit
  • Zoggin Boggleye
  • Muck Sludgepot
  • Fizzle Wiggletoes
  • Gunk Stinkwart
  • Snivel Wartface
  • Grunt Moldyknuckles
  • Wheezy Snotrag
  • Grim Slimefinger
  • Skitter Bugbrain
  • Guzzle Rotgut
  • Snarl Weaselnose
  • Grody Dungheap
  • Goober Dirtclaw
  • Blister Scabskin
  • Whiffy Skunktail
  • Skritch Ratbreath
  • Blort Skunkfeet
  • Sludge Mudbelly
  • Grimy Greasepaw
  • Goop Sloppyface
  • Grubby Grimebeard
  • Grodyn Filthfur
  • Skabby Scumtongue
  • Muckly Mirefoot
  • Grubble Grimeysocks
  • Stenchly Stinkweed
  • Grittle Greaseguts
  • Moldly Muckwart
  • Boggin Bilebreath

Try Our Halfling Name Generator

Male Goblin Names

Male Goblin Names

  • Grumpy Gutspill
  • Skrunty Skullcrusher
  • Gnarl Nosepicker
  • Glitch Geargrinder
  • Grody Grimebeard
  • Gristle Grimjaw
  • Grunt Gunkchewer
  • Gorge Gutsluger
  • Grubber Greasemonkey
  • Guzzle Gasbag
  • Grouch Grumpface
  • Goober Goggleeyes
  • Grick Greaseball
  • Guts Gutbuster
  • Grody Greasestain
  • Gonk Grimeygums
  • Gludge Glueface
  • Gunk Gunkgobbler
  • Gribble Grimeguts
  • Grok Grouchyguts
  • Grime Grumpygills
  • Grotch Grumpynose
  • Grick Grumpypants
  • Grink Grouchygills
  • Grody Gunkguzzler
  • Grump Greasygills
  • Grime Grumpygizzard
  • Grutch Grumpygrundle
  • Grick Grouchyguts
  • Gord Grimeygizzard

Try Our Argonian Name Generator

Female Goblin Names

Female Goblin Names

  • Gretchen Grimepox
  • Grizelda Grumpywart
  • Grindy Grimeygrin
  • Grotilda Greasepot
  • Grinda Gunkpimple
  • Gretchyn Grimeygill
  • Grudge Grumpyface
  • Grinda Greasenose
  • Gretty Grumpygut
  • Grinda Gunkgobbler
  • Grinny Grumpygums
  • Gretty Grouchygills
  • Grindy Grumpynose
  • Gretchyn Grumpygizzard
  • Grinda Gunkguzzler
  • Grizzy Grumpygrin
  • Gretchen Grouchygrunt
  • Gretchyn Gunkgobbler
  • Grindy Grouchygut
  • Grotilda Grumpygrunt
  • Grinda Grimeygills
  • Gretchen Gunkguzzler
  • Grudge Grumpynose
  • Grinny Grouchygut
  • Gretchen Grimeygizzard
  • Grinda Grouchygrunt
  • Grizelda Grumpygills
  • Grindy Gunkgobbler
  • Grotilda Grimeynose
  • Gretchyn Grumpygut

D&D Goblin Names

D&D Goblin Names

  • Borgug the Belcher
  • Drizzik Doomdigger
  • Fraggle Fizzlepop
  • Grutch Grimespitter
  • Knuckles Kneebiter
  • Muckwart Moldmouth
  • Noggin Nosepicker
  • Rukgut Rotbreath
  • Snaggle Snotface
  • Wizzle Wartbelly
  • Yarpick Yuckmouth
  • Ziggle Zitface
  • Blork Bogbreath
  • Crudmuck Crustynose
  • Drizzik Dungheap
  • Fraggle Fizzleguts
  • Grutch Grimebeard
  • Knuckles Kneegnawer
  • Muckwart Moldybrains
  • Noggin Nosedribbler
  • Rukgut Rotgobbler
  • Snaggle Snotgurgler
  • Wizzle Wartmuncher
  • Yarpick Yuckygums
  • Ziggle Zitbreath
  • Blork Bogbelly
  • Crudmuck Crustygizzard
  • Drizzik Dunggobbler
  • Fraggle Fizzlemonkey
  • Grutch Grimegobbler

Try Our Half-Elf Name Generator

Pathfinder Goblin Names

Pathfinder Goblin Names

  • Blarg Blisterbottom
  • Chuffy Chunderchops
  • Dribble Dirtchucker
  • Fizzgig Fumblefingers
  • Glubnose Gooblegs
  • Hazmat Hacksalot
  • Ickwad Iffypants
  • Junkpile Jigglejowls
  • Klutzy Kaboomkicker
  • Lumpus Loogypants
  • Muckbucket Meathead
  • Nosepick Noodlenoggin
  • Oafball Ooglemug
  • Pugwump Pusbrain
  • Quiggle Quackenbush
  • Rumpus Rubbleguts
  • Sludgepot Slimebucket
  • Twerp Twitchytoes
  • Ugglug Upchuckles
  • Vomitface Vilebreath
  • Weaselguts Wobblewhisker
  • Xanax Xylophoneface
  • Yakko Yackityyak
  • Zitface Zipperlips
  • Arggle Anklebiter
  • Booger Bogsucker
  • Cootie Crankycheeks
  • Doofus Dippyduds
  • Egghead Eggybuns
  • Fartface Fumblebum

Lord of the Rings Goblin Names

Lord of the Rings Goblin Names

  • Golfimbul Gorefinger
  • Grishnákh Grimshanks
  • Lagdush Loathspitter
  • Lugdush Lumpyface
  • Mauhúr Muckbeard
  • Muzgash Mirebreath
  • Narzug Nosewart
  • Radbug Rustbone
  • Shagrat Slimefoot
  • Snaga Snotrag
  • Ufthak Uglysnout
  • Warrung Wormtongue
  • Azog Armchopper
  • Boldog Blacktooth
  • Golfimbul Gorebelly
  • Gorbag Gruesome
  • Grishakh Grimjaw
  • Lagdush Loathbite
  • Lugdush Lumpynose
  • Mauhur Muckface
  • Muzgash Moldmouth
  • Narzug Nosegoblin
  • Radbug Rusteater
  • Shagrat Slimeball
  • Snaga Snotgobbler
  • Ufthak Uglyface
  • Warrung Wormeye
  • Azog Anklebiter
  • Boldog Bonesmasher
  • Golfimbul Gorefeast

Harry Potter Goblin Names

  • Bogrod Boilbrain
  • Filius Foulbreath
  • Griphook Grubguts
  • Nagnok Nostrilpus
  • Oddbit Oddeye
  • Ragnuk Rottentooth
  • Snagtooth Slapdash
  • Urg Uglyguts
  • Alguff Anklebiter
  • Blordak Bogbreath
  • Brodrig Bumpynose
  • Gornuk Grimebeard
  • Grabbit Greasypalms
  • Gringott Grouchface
  • Knoblig Knobblyknees
  • Kreplig Krustyknuckles
  • Mudmug Moldmouth
  • Nogrod Nosewart
  • Odbert Oddballs
  • Ragnok Rattlebrain
  • Shlumpus Slobberchops
  • Urg Underfoot
  • Aitvaras Armpit
  • Brodrig Bogsucker
  • Blordak Boilbreath
  • Filius Fizzlewhiskers
  • Griphook Grimegobbler
  • Nagnok Nosepicker
  • Oddbit Odorous
  • Ragnuk Rottengut

Try Our Breton Name Generator

Funny Goblin Names

Funny Goblin Names

  • Boogernose Sneezlebottom
  • Chuckles von Cheesepuff
  • Dinglebottom Doodlefart
  • Farticus J. Fluffybuns
  • Giggles McGasbag
  • Humpty Dumptrucks
  • Ivana B. Stinky
  • Jigglejowls Jollypants
  • Kerfuffle Kookypants
  • Lumpus McFlatulence
  • Monkeybreath Muttonchoops
  • Nosehair Noodlenoggin
  • Oddjob Onionbreath
  • Poopypants Pigglewiggle
  • Quigley Quackenbush
  • Rumpus von Rubberneck
  • Slobberchops Snugglebottom
  • Toejam Thunderbutt
  • Upchuckles Underpants
  • Vladimir Pootin
  • Wackywig Wobbleknees
  • Xerxes Z. Zitface
  • Yuckmouth Yodelpants
  • Zig Zag Zipperlips
  • Armpit Armstrong
  • Boogerbreath Bugaboo
  • Cheesewhiz Crankypants
  • Dipstick Doodlebug
  • Eggbert Egghead
  • Fancypants Fluffybum

Goblin Last Names

  • Bogbutler
  • Cruddlemuck
  • Dirtdigger
  • Fizzleflinger
  • Gloomgobbler
  • Grimegreaser
  • Grubguzzler
  • Gunkgargler
  • Muckmonger
  • Nosepicker
  • Oddsniffer
  • Pustule
  • Rattlebones
  • Scabscratcher
  • Sludgeslurper
  • Snotsucker
  • Stenchsniffer
  • Wartwhacker
  • Yuckdrinker
  • Belchbottom
  • Chunderbucket
  • Droolpool
  • Foulfoot
  • Groincrusher
  • Hairball
  • Moldbrain
  • Pustulent
  • Sneezebreath
  • Splatterchops
  • Vomitface

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Why Use a Goblin Name Generator?

Let’s face it, coming up with names for your goblin characters can be a real headache. You want something that captures their mischievous nature, but you don’t want to spend hours brainstorming. That’s where goblin name generators come in!

These handy tools take the guesswork out of naming your goblins. With just a click of a button, you’ll have access to a whole host of weird and wacky names that are perfect for your pint-sized troublemakers.

Plus, using a goblin name generator can help spark your creativity. Maybe you’ll come across a name that inspires an entire backstory for your character. Or perhaps you’ll find a name that fits perfectly with the tone of your story.

And let’s not forget the time-saving aspect. Instead of spending hours hunched over a notepad, and scribbling out potential names, you can have a whole list of options in just a few seconds. That means more time for you to focus on crafting your story and bringing your goblins to life.

Try Our Paladin Name Generator

Final Thoughts

So there you have it, folks – your ultimate guide to goblin name generators. Whether you’re writing a fantasy novel, creating a D&D campaign, or just looking for some inspiration, these tools are sure to come in handy.

Remember, when it comes to naming your goblins, the weirder and wackier, the better. These little creatures are known for their mischievous nature, so don’t be afraid to get creative.

And if you ever find yourself stuck, just remember – there’s always a goblin name generator waiting to help you out. So go forth and create some chaos, my friends. Your goblins are counting on you!